Thursday, July 21, 2011

On The Name Issue

This page of articles is amazing.
I don't think I've ever identified more with someone else's personal account, let alone a group of people.

If you know my family, you know I come by it honestly.

So I'm engaged to be married. (Which is awesome)

At first, I thought that maybe I'm just a very private person, because I didn't feel the urge to run around telling everyone I saw.

Then I realized that I just can't abide dumbass questions. After hearing something truly moronic uttered, my ensuing inability to produce speech while my brain tries to process said extreme departure from rationality is a total buzzkill to my betrothed high.

The conversations (this has happened multiple times. seriously. I'm not kidding.) go exactly like this:

Me: (showing engagement ring on finger)
Dumbass: So does this mean you said yes??

What I'm tempted to say: Well, actually, I said no. I'm just wearing the ring because I'm part ferret and like stealing shiny things.

Response I actually produce: