Monday, June 21, 2010

So I've been inspired by my family. I realized tonight that over half of my father's sibling group keeps a blog in one form or another. And that got me to thinking.

Now, being myself an enlightened member of the modern generation, I of course have faithfully facebooked since 2005 (back in those elite-university days), livejournaled since 2001 (when acquiring an account was by invitation-only), and tweeted, tumblred, and foursquared since more-or-less this past fall. Each of these venues has their own merit and value as a form of entertainment and communication... but I'm finding myself in need of something else.

For me,
Facebook is for general life updates, photos, and long-lost connections.
Livejournal is for bitching, complaining, and finding answers to questions about food and green living in community forums.
Twitter is combination general update, information/news source, and re-tweeting wit.
Tumblr is art, politics, internet commentary, and enlightening resource.
... and there's a part of me that feels too incredibly guilty about injecting too much of my daily-life type information or thought-rambling or long-windedness into any of these accounts.

And I suppose it makes sense that in my new, post-college world that a new, post-college method of expression is appropriate, right? Maybe.

There's a lot for me to think about now. For the most part, I don't know what the hell I'm doing now that I've achieved that singular, all-important, middle-class American goal of the College Degree.
So my intention is to think. And write. And maybe figure out everything else as I go.

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