Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Tale of Little Buddy

A stranger came into our house.
We found this out,
and groused and groused.

I wouldn't be involved
with a "sticky" or a "snappy"
So we acted quite evolved
and got a humane trappy.

So at 4:30 this morning, love of my life Charles comes barrelling into our room & turning on all the lights to show me that after two nights of nibbles, our Hav-a-hart trap had successfully secured our unwanted visitor:

...And then he heads out for work, leaving me to go back to sleep with a very unhappy rodent trying to make its noisy escape in the next room.

Unfortunately, we've been having snow for a few days and it's currently below freezing outside. So neither Little Buddy nor I would be getting any immediate relief from each other.

But I'm not about to leave him in a metal box indefinitely. "Do unto others" and all that.
So, I empty out my craft bin:
and cover 1/3 of the bottom with potting soil (LB or one of his friends had been digging in my potted herbs, so this makes perfect sense, right?),
1/3 with shredded newspaper (yes, I tore up newspaper into little bits with my hands),
and the last 1/3 with flat newspaper.

I figure this at least ups the comfort factor from "Cold Bare Metal".

Now since I don't know how long it will be before I find a suitable, not frozen/flooded place to release him far enough away from here that he won't come back AND I have no intention of putting my hands even close to inside his halfway house once he's in there, I need to make sure he won't starve or dehydrate.

So lined up in little piles around the edge of the flat newspaper, Little Buddy got:

Plus, his own water dish:

Now, I would have said that the walls of his halfway house were high enough that he couldn't get out. But I was not aware that mice can Jump. And I don't mean cute little hippity-hops. I mean Olympic-level atmospheric body hurdling.

So I closed the lid in the non-locking way so that air would still flow, but considering his determination at flinging himself heavenward, I also opted for adding a metal drying rack and my financial records binder on top for absolute security. And then I draped the whole situation in towels with the fantasy of creating calming darkness.

I've only heard him chuck his body against his roof a few more times, and there have been some occasional munchy-crunchy noises, so I'm assuming he's found his temporary prison acceptable.


Edit: LB was successfully released later that afternoon in the forest by the lake at the public park about 2 miles away.

He of course spent the entire drive over chucking himself against the top of his box so that I had to drive with on hand resting on the lid.
Thankfully, he did not ironically break his neck before I could let him go free into the wild.


  1. What a lucky mouse!
    She/he will be back!

  2. ...and why did you give the critter directions to my house? He woke me up about every 2 houts with chewing and scratching. Oh, I sincerely hope those were the electric wires he/she was nibbling (NOT)!
